Sunday, 29 July 2012

Mark 11:1-11 Jesus enters Jerusalem

15 July 2012

Jesus was on the way to the city of Jerusalem and he stopped at a small town near the city. Jesus sent two of His friends into town to get him a donkey. When the people asked why Jesus' friends were taking the donkey, the friends said" The Lord needs it". They then put their coats on the donkey so that Jesus could ride on it. As Jesus rode the donkey to Jerusalem, the people were excited. The King was coming. They yelled "Hosanna! "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!  They laid their coats on the ground and waved palm branches in the air to welcome Jesus. All the people were glad to see Jesus because they knew that He was special. Jesus is still special to us today  and  we can worship Him by singing, praising and obeying Him...

We welcome our  King ....Jesus
Colouring the crown....
My favorite colour ...yellow
Hey, look at my lovely crown....

Our Memory verse

 King "Snow?"

Do I look like a King?

Blesssed is He who comes in the name of the Lord
                                                                   Mark 11:9

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